Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A Few New Music Videos

Since it's been a while, I thought I'd display the new music videos for those who care...

The Road

A video I put together with pictures in an animation style mostly. The song started off as a poem I wrote that fit perfectly with this riff I had been jamming on... It's about a place that has open possibilities, an unknown place we all go to in our dreams, the last frontier of the mind. I recorded it originally on a Tascam cassette 8-track recorder then bounced it down track by track into a computer. It's got a warmer feel and a more distinct sound than straight digital recording. It has two drum tracks, a bass track, a keyboard track, two electric guitar tracks, one classical guitar track, and one vocal track... I used all original tracks available by cassette and no digital over dubs... The song has deserved a video for quite a while....

Can't Understand

Can't Understand from Jimi Peak on Vimeo.
Can't Understand is one of my favorite songs I've ever written and recorded. I always wanted to do a video for it but I never did... until now... It's about feeling confused about the world and one's place in it. At the time, I was questioning my daily reality and wondering what to believe in... a higher being, people, ghosts, or even family... was any of that stuff real enough to believe in? I eventually found the answer for myself but much later. It's alright to question reality but don't change the way you treat people because of it, it will backfire. I love the way this video came together, it's some video and some photos... Watch for yourself, thank you!

Live at the Groove

Live at the Groove from Jimi Peak on Vimeo.
This is a compilation music video for one of my new songs... It's mostly of me playing guitar outside and some drums... The song was made on Sony Acid Music Studio 10... video completed on Sony Movie Studio Suite 13... Check it out!

Stayed tuned for more updates soon... Thank You....

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