Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Know: The Music Video


Today, I'm releasing the music video for my track, "Know." I've uploaded it to four different sites, Vimeo, Youtube, Facebook, and ACID Planet.  It's one of my older songs I recorded but I recently decided that I'm making videos for all of my original songs that I've recorded and there's a bunch... So I will continue posting updates as I complete them. I've already posted some of them in this blog.  I know it seems sort of strange for an artist to back track like this but I have my reasons.  The main reason, which I realized recently is I did all these songs for myself, not some popularity contest. I'd like my kid to watch them all some day and be proud of all the work his dad put into his music and creativity.  Of course, I plan on continuing with my original songs and my loop-based songs in the near future.  For now, you get music videos... There's nothing wrong with that... Maybe I'll make it into an album of music videos... So without any more delay, here's the new music video....

Know: Vimeo

Know from Jimi Peak on Vimeo.
A new music video, this time it's for the Jimi Peak Music song, "Know." I wrote the song several years ago and it perfectly represents my style... I wanted to use my roots of heavy metal but not use a distorted guitar or normal power cords... The drums and bass could be for a much heavier song but the guitar is clean, open-chorded, dissonant and it's about as cheery as I ever am... The song itself is about needed a reason to continue and knowing it in your soul, mind and body. The video is mostly from several late night outside guitar treks. I used Sony movie studio to complete it, I recorded the song a while back and it was recorded with Sony Vegas. I played the guitars, a few electric guitars, and a twelve string electric. It's accented with a synth guitar in between the first few parts. I started recording it by laying out the drums while my bass player Erik jammed his bass. I also recorded two vocal tracks. There's a few inconsistencies but the energy and key's very powerful. I love the song and I'm the only drummer I've ever heard that understood the island feel I wanted. It's a solid song, I've always enjoy playing it in front of people, and it's not a normal style for anyone... Please enjoy and share.... Thanks.

Know: Youtube

Feel free to share, comment, or watch anytime.

The Facebook posting will be under Jimi Peak Music and is scheduled to post at 9:00 am cst, 4/12/2016.  I'd appreciate any kind of support you all could show the Jimi Peak Music Facebook page...

Once again, I appreciate the support I receive. Thanks for reading, listening, watching and the support... -JIMI PEAK

Monday, April 11, 2016

ACID Planet

My Acid Planet

Most recent profile for ACID Planet
Recently I purchased Sony Movie Studio 13 Platinum Suite with it came a copy of Sony Acid Music Studio 10. When I started making music I noticed there was a community called http://www.acidplanet.com.   

I'll be honest, it feels like the remnants of a once great community now it's a little bit overrun by the survivors.  I enjoy the community and the basic way of interaction... The only files you can upload are MP3's and small 20mb WMV's.  

The cool thing's there are people that have a passion for music, I'd recommend that if so inclined you all should become a member and just listen and read,

My Acid Planet Page is

I've uploaded a ton of stuff there and it's free... I'm glad I joined...

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A Few New Music Videos

Since it's been a while, I thought I'd display the new music videos for those who care...

The Road

A video I put together with pictures in an animation style mostly. The song started off as a poem I wrote that fit perfectly with this riff I had been jamming on... It's about a place that has open possibilities, an unknown place we all go to in our dreams, the last frontier of the mind. I recorded it originally on a Tascam cassette 8-track recorder then bounced it down track by track into a computer. It's got a warmer feel and a more distinct sound than straight digital recording. It has two drum tracks, a bass track, a keyboard track, two electric guitar tracks, one classical guitar track, and one vocal track... I used all original tracks available by cassette and no digital over dubs... The song has deserved a video for quite a while....

Can't Understand

Can't Understand from Jimi Peak on Vimeo.
Can't Understand is one of my favorite songs I've ever written and recorded. I always wanted to do a video for it but I never did... until now... It's about feeling confused about the world and one's place in it. At the time, I was questioning my daily reality and wondering what to believe in... a higher being, people, ghosts, or even family... was any of that stuff real enough to believe in? I eventually found the answer for myself but much later. It's alright to question reality but don't change the way you treat people because of it, it will backfire. I love the way this video came together, it's some video and some photos... Watch for yourself, thank you!

Live at the Groove

Live at the Groove from Jimi Peak on Vimeo.
This is a compilation music video for one of my new songs... It's mostly of me playing guitar outside and some drums... The song was made on Sony Acid Music Studio 10... video completed on Sony Movie Studio Suite 13... Check it out!

Stayed tuned for more updates soon... Thank You....

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Jimi Peak Music: Songs Continued

Moving on with Songs

I'm ready to discuss more of the good stuff here... I've been working on one to two songs a day so, if you'd like to know more I'm discussing them from what I believe you may have missed to what's newer.

Note: My personal favorites are in the big Soundcloud player format... I have a lot of favorites... LOL

Hopeful Adventure

This song came around by accident, I was messing with reverb, delay and mixing on Acid music studio, I had like 10 different acoustic guitar loops playing, trying to figure out what I could piece together then I realized with the effects I had, all the guitars worked great together. I ended up losing that mix and had to start over, I couldn't get them to work the second time, it blew my mind... eventually I figure it out and it became this song which I still love listening to it. 

Rock Out There and Back

I decided to find out what was capable with heavy metal samples after my success with Hopeful Adventure. Most of metal guitar samples were made for fast speeds, I decided to slow it down and see how it sounded. It was chunky, dense, and sounded great. I also got a bunch of funk rock, and reggae samples and I combined it all into one fat guitar song. I love the results...

The Mystics

In the name of experiment, I messed with the keyboard, organ, and electric piano samples. It's amazing how you can blend samples into a song and it sounds meant to be.  I used 4 instruments together at all times here, electric piano, organ, bass, and drums. This song is nothing like anything I've done as a musician but it has my stamp on it... no one does music like me. It's my Jazz/ blues song and I love it...

Having a Crazy Time

There are tons of free samples available on the web, this song was born in a pack of free industrial pack... It was then when I figured out how to adjust the time signature, tempo and keys... mid-song, also how they blend together... not my best song but still very cool. 

Smoke and Mirrors

After all those experiments, I had to get back to my roots... Smoke and Mirrors was so much fun to produce. I just had to get back to guitar sounds, this song came together quickly.  I added effects to the heavy guitars, like delay, flanger and phaser, plus I have some guitar noises droning.  I love the synth bass at the beginning it's so damn heavy. The synthesizer holds the song together.  It takes many twists and turns, hence the title. The heaviest part reminds of Alice in Chains.  I'm fine with that... :)


When I put this together I was having a rough day. The emotion of the synth at the beginning spoke to my heart. The middle of song builds from one synth to more, I love the intensity of it. It ends with guitars overs synths and I was very happy with how it turned out...
Moving Onward

The first part I put together well before the rest of this song. I then added the rock guitar and just chorused the shit out of it.  I decided to keep this song a strong rocker... I created this song as though there were two guitarists, a drummer, a bass player, and a synth player.  I usually make a plan of how many people's parts are in a song... Old habit... I enjoy the overall feel of this one and listen to it a lot... One day, I'll probably add lyrics and sing it...


It came out of nowhere, I decided to go for a Tool on Lateralus kind of vibe. I added the guitar almost as an afterthought.  It was bass, synth, and drums to start. I have a droning synth in the background throughout it.  I love the dark heaviness to it, I may add more to it and lyrics but for now this is it... Good tune though.

That concludes my song post for now. The next post I'll be discussing the newest songs. Also this song concludes the album I called, "Jimi's Acid Creations." I put my songs in collections even though I just stream them... The next album is called, "Work the Music," and my wife Leslie made the cover art that one, I did the first one... 
Jimi's Acid Creation, art by Jimi Peak

Work the Music, Art by Leslie Peak

Thanks for reading, listening, watching, and returning...

Friday, March 18, 2016

Why Jimi Peak Music and Why You Should Listen...

Why I Make Music...

I started Jimi Peak Music for different reasons than I do it today.  It used to be a place for me to get people to collaborate . That didn't work out, everyone I asked to collaborate on a recording backed out with little or no explanation. This time around, approximately two years later, I'm still open to collaboration but I'm not seeking it out anymore. With loops and samples I don't require a band or anyone else to produce great sounding music... and damn, it's a relief. I just create, mix, and release, which works out so quickly and so much smoother. Plus, I have no other personalities to clash or get along with during the process. I produce 24 songs in less than a month, minus vocals... that is my next step, I'm just a few items away from being able to record vocal and mic thing directly.  So, I make my songs interesting enough to stand on their own which they do... The first 22 songs, I consider an instrumental album called, "Jimi's Acid Creations." While all the songs sound great, and all of them are different styles of music,  I consider my learning curve on Sony Acid Music Studio 10. Now I can truly do amazing things with the program, the last three songs I created are quite good in sound, mix and quality. To me this is truly a way to take certain issues out of the recording process. I can make music any time I want and don't have to worry if people like it or not, I make music I'd want to hear and music that can be impossible to produce live without a 25 member band... I love what music has become and I feel like I'm on the cutting edge of something big. I'm unsure where it's going but I'll take this ride until the end and leave a ton of music behind me. That's why I do this....

Why You Should Listen..

The reason to listen is simple... I love and listen to my own songs. I produce music that I can't find anywhere else, I blend styles, sounds, and release it immediately on the internet... and will continue to do so. You can't beat that in this day and age... 



Thanks for reading, listening, and watching....